Most Children Under Five Years Old Receive Child Care

Because most parents work outside the home, most children under five years old receive child care from someone other than a parent. Almost one-quarter (23.4 percent) of children under the age of five are in some form of organized child care arrangement, which includes day care centers, nurseries, and preschools. This includes one-third (33 percent) of those with an employed mother and more than one-quarter (28.6 percent) of those whose mothers are not employed but are in school.
Source: Center for American Progress

In Most U.S. Families, All of the Adults Work

Fewer than one-in-three children today have a full-time, stay-at-home parent. In 1975, only a generation ago, more than half of all children had a stay-at-home parent—usually the mother.
Source: Center for American Progress

Facility Information

Ensuring a Safe and Healthy Environment for Your Children

Our Facilities

Tendercare Child Centers are located at 6268 Johnston Road in Guilderland (Albany), New York and 569 Elm Avenue in Bethlehem (Glenmont), New York. Tendercare is licensed by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services to provide care for children ages six weeks to twelve years. We are open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday, year round.

Holiday Calendar

Tendercare is closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, President Day for staff training, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.

The Centers will close at 3:00 p.m. on Christmas and New Years Eve.

If the holiday falls on a Saturday the Centers will be closed the Friday before. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the Centers will be closed the following Monday.

Snow Day Closing Policy

The Guilderland Center will open one hour late (8:00am) if the Guilderland School District is delayed. The Guilderland Center will open two hours late (9:00am) if the Guilderland School District is closed.

The Bethlehem Center will open one hour late (8:00am) when either the Bethlehem or Ravena/Coeymans School Districts are delayed. The Bethlehem Center will open two hours late (9:00am) when either the Bethlehem or Ravena/Coeymans School Districts are closed.

While Tendercare would like to always open during inclement weather, there are times when traveling conditions are unsafe which require that the Centers will be closed.

Please watch WNYT (Channel 13) for school closings. Additionally, you may also go to their website or use their application for your cell phone.


The Centers are always open for the parent/guardian to observe the daily activities of the Centers; however, please check in with the Director so that she and the staff are aware of your presence.


In the event of illness or injuries requiring immediate attention, the Director of Tendercare will secure emergency medical care and notify the child’s parents, guardians, or other persons having legal custody. All accidents will be recorded in the child’s permanent record. An emergency medical permission form (Blue Card) is required to be filled out by the parent/guardian along with the registration form.

All emergency telephone numbers are posted. In the event of an emergency, our staff is instructed to:

  • stay calm, get help;
  • contact ambulance and/or hospital if need demands
  • contact Parents.

Each Center has on file an Emergency Evacuation Plan. This plan includes the location of the child and staff outside of the building in the event of an emergency. Incident reports are provided to parents when their child is injured.

General Guidelines

Tendercare Child Centers reserves the right to change any policies and fee schedules to meet the needs of the Centers to ensure the best quality care for the children.

Tendercare Child Centers reserves the right to determine full and part time attendance availability. Part time enrollment is subject to change with a two week notice to the parent.

Tendercare Child Centers reserves the right to dismiss any child whose behavior may threaten the welfare of the staff or other children at the Centers.

Tendercare Child Centers reserves the right to discontinue child care to those who do not comply with the Center’s policies.

Employees are prohibited from working in any capacity for Tendercare clients while employed by Tendercare (including caring for children at the Centers before opening or after closing time and being paid directly by a client). Additionally, employees are prohibited from driving any of the children to or from the Centers.